Traditional Jamaican Christmas Cake

Christmas fruitcakes accept been broiled for centuries with the oldest accepted compound dating aback to Ancient Rome. Fruitcakes were a way to bottle fruits and basics as able-bodied as a way to bless the autumn and seek acceptable luck in the advancing year. Jamaicans admired Christmas block is dark, absorptive and heavy, with rum blood-soaked bake-apple and affluent flavor. Eaten alone at Christmas the block is a advantaged allowance and ancestors tradition.


Batter Bowl

* 1 lb. Raisins

Traditional Jamaican Christmas Cake

* 4 oz. Cherries

* ½ lb. Chopped prunes

* 2 oz. Cranberries

* 32 oz. aphotic Jamaican rum

* 4 oz. Citrus peels

* grated case of 1 lime

* 6 oz. or 1.5 cup flour

* 8 oz. butter

* 8 oz. sugar

* 4 eggs

* 1 tsp. cinnamon

* ½ tsp. allspice

* ½ tsp. Ground cloves

* ½ tsp. salt

* 1 cup wine/brandy

* 1 tsp. baking powder

* 1 tsp. vanilla

* 2 tbsp. browning


Soak fruits, peels and case in rum for two weeks afore baking. In a abstracted bowl whip butter, amoroso and browning until creamy. Combine dry capacity in abstracted bowl and mix well. In a third bowl exhausted eggs and brandy calm until able-bodied blended.

Add egg admixture to buttery adulate admixture and alloy well. Strain and add fruits, befitting rum for fruity drinks. Gradually mix dry capacity to batter and bend together.

Pour batter into a agilely buttered 9" block pan and broil at 350F for 1-½ hours blockage afterwards 1 hour. Sprinkle with delicate amoroso afore serving.

Traditional Jamaican Christmas Cake